What is Behçet’s disease?

Behcet’s disease, also known as Behcet’s syndrome, is a rare, chronic, autoimmune, and auto-inflammatory disorder of unknown origin. Its manifestations are believed to be caused by vasculitis which damages blood vessels throughout the body causing oral and genital ulcers and eye complications.

What are its symptoms?

It is characterized by causing ulcers in certain mucous membranes, especially in the mouth, as well as uveitis or inflammation in the conjunctiva of the eyes; it can also present ulcers in the vagina or in male genitals.

Sometimes, it is also accompanied by joint inflammation, and this is often why the patient goes to the doctor.

Do you think you may have Behçet’s disease?

If you have any of the following symptoms, and especially if they persist for more than two weeks or a longer period, consult Biosalud Day Hospital: oral ulcers, genital ulcers, inflammation of the eyes, skin lesions, arthritis.

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    Symptoms of Behçet’s disease

    The symptoms of Behçet’s disease vary from person to person although the earliest manifestation is usually oral ulceration. These ulcers are painful, shallow or deep, round or oval and may have a white or yellow base with a red halo. Other common symptoms include genital ulcers, eye inflammation, skin lesions, and arthritis. Inflammation inside the eye (anterior or posterior uveitis, retinitis, and iritis) can be severe and lead to vision loss if left untreated.

    The disease can also lead to blood clots, inflammation in the central nervous system, symptoms of the digestive tract, and, rarely, kidney involvement.

    Diagnosis of Behçet’s disease

    Complete eye exams should be part of the evaluation, provided that eye manifestations are present. At Biosalud Day Hospital we will always look for the origin of the disease and for that, we will analyze the genetic load that has been activated and the trigger of the autoimmune process.

    Treatment of Behçet’s disease

    The treatment of Behçet’s disease is, above all, symptomatic. It is aimed at reducing symptoms and preventing complications. In any case, at Biosalud Day Hospital we always design a personalized treatment for each patient that will combine the different therapeutic techniques of biological medicine. In addition, we will focus on controlling and eliminating the patient’s symptoms but above all we monitor the evolution of the disease, because the autoimmune process may not stop in a single tissue but may overlap several autoimmune diseases in the same patient.

    The specialist answers:

    Who can develop the Behçet syndrome?

    The Behçet disease tends to occur in young adults, usually between the ages of 20 and 30, but patients of all ages, sexes, and races can be affected.

    Is the cause of Behçet’s disease known?

    Current research suggests that viral, bacterial, genetic and environmental factors may play a role in the development of Behçet’s disease, but no specific cause has been established nor have triggers been identified.

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